What on earth is #BooksOverBombs ?

The most-loved hash-tag and signature for the BOB Foundation Ltd is #BooksOverBombs.

It refers to choosing education over violence and drives home the BOB Foundation Ltd’s message of teaching peace. To choose #BooksOverBombs is to choose peace over war. It goes much further than this as it also represents the need to create an awareness.

You see, the BOB Foundation Ltd. came as an idea due to the lack of awareness in my community about what was really going on in refugee camps today. The images we have been shown over the last 15 years have been repeating themselves; depicting overwhelming sadness with some being too graphic to stomach. This idea of “guilting” people into throwing a few dollars to “resolve” the situation has actually failed in my humble opinion.  Yes, by all means, it has been somewhat financially effective which is probably why it is still so widely used, but at what cost to the overall cause? I feel that over time people have become almost immune to these images. People are often “switching off” because the situation feels so overwhelming. Undoubtedly, the refugee crisis in the Middle East is at breaking point, however, ordinary people like you and I can help make a small difference.

When designing graphics to share our cause, I always try to make sure that it is something positive and try to avoid adding the “guilt” factor. I want to empower ordinary individuals to want to help.

The idea came about to approach independent fashion labels and ask them to design a T shirt, or other fashion apparel. The design is completely up to the label, however, we do ask that it spreads a message of PEACE, LOVE or HOPE. We want their customers to be inspired by the designs AND we want the people seeing them wear this to be inspired as well. We want to give fashion labels who want to make a difference an outlet to do so.

So here’s to spreading positivity! Call me a dreamer, but John Lennon and I know… we’re not the only ones.

Love and Light,


If you’re a fashion label and would like to get involved, feel free to email us on fashion@booksoverbombs.org to find out the next steps.

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